Thursday, August 5, 2010

Vintage Bike show

 I have a ton of pictures that I've taken for the blog but haven't gotten around to putting them up becaus I've been super tired, more tired then busy or it could be that I've been so busy I'm just super tired. Alot has been going on in my life, we are looking for a new property to buy and that takes up lots of time and I've also started a new job and I'm still working my old job and school is starting back in a few weeks and really I get tired just thinking about it. I went to a vintage bike show a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to share these pictures.

to cute I'm not a pink person but I love this bike

this guy was only to happy to take a pic and show off his bike as you can see , I love guys who love vintage don't you?

 when the show was over I actually shaw this couple take off in this how cool is that!

it was really hot my friend Nancy was taking her sweet time getting the picture and all I wanted to do was get out the heat! I know I'm wearing overall, lol but honestly my fashion sense lately has been lacking, I really haven't cared how I look and anything thats simple and easy works for me right now, actually I'm rethinking my wordrobe chioces but I'll post about that another time I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible. very hard but I'm trying!

I thought this bike so adorable with the sunflowers

people chill'n at the show

I really want one of these

they were playing some good oldies, perfect for a vintage bike show !

Nancy posing for a pic, it had to at least be over a hundred that day, everybody was trying to stay cool